Vrijdag 20 maart 2015 zonsverduistering: druk met HAB in de UK en DL!

Clipboard14Alle ballonnen zijn al naar beneden gekomen. Er waren weinig live SSDV camera’s, omdat er wat defecten waren (Dave), er een ballon was uitgevallen (Majora) en omdat er een complete ballon met payload kort na het oplaten naar beneden is gekomen en verloren is in Lough Neagh.

Dit artikel is nu voor het archief! Veel links kunnen nog wel leuke info geven.

Vrijdag 20 maart wordt het druk op HAB, dus wellicht vind je het leuk om ook te gaan tracken. Een aantal operators in de UK willen de gedeeltelijke zonsverduistering gaan vastleggen met camera’s, dus we kunnen ook een hoop SSDV verwachten! Dus vergeet je browser niet ook op http://ssdv.habhub.org/ te zetten.  Er is ook een BBC programma bij betrokken, dus kijk ’s avonds ook even naar BBC2 (ik denk rond 22 uur local, kijk even in de gids).

En live: (afgelopen)


Twitter #Stargazinglive

Verder ook nog wat normale vluchten, al zullen de meesten het doel hebben om de (voor ons gedeeltelijke) zonsverduistering vast te leggen. Hieronder heb ik geprobeerd om een overzicht te maken van de verspreide berichten op https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ukhas


Info over de zonsverduistering, hoe laat die zichtbaar zou kunnen zijn in Nederland: link

En in de UK:



Dave Akerman

This is advance warning of a flight to be launched at 8am on Friday March 20th.  This one is a bit special and I’d really appreciate as many trackers as possible.  It’s on a Friday so I realise that there won’t be as many trackers as at a weekend, plus it’s fairly early in the day which doesn’t help.  However, I have yet to figure out a way to slow down the Moon’s orbit so the date and time are both very, very fixed.

The flight is to primarily to take photographs during the partial solar eclipse (it’s a full eclipse in the Faroes, but unlike Steve’s friend I’ve been sent to Leicester instead).  If the flight path allows for a dry landing, or at least the possibility of one, then there will be 4 video cameras on-board.  Either way, there will be 3 Pi cameras feeding 2 RTTY channels and 3 LoRa channels, so plenty of stuff to tune in to.

The launch activities will be recorded and some of the footage will be transmitted on the special BBC Stargazing show from 9am to 10am on that day.  There will also be a couple of very brief live segments where, hopefully, I get to show some pretty live images.  Also, assuming we get to recover the flight, some of the recorded video should end up on the main Stargazing show in the evening (9pm-10pm, BBC2).

As well as the TV stuff, the BBC are running a “spectacular live event” from the racecourse, open to the public from 9am to 3pm and then 6pm to 9pm.  Entry is free to please do come along if you can.  They have a real astronaut and plenty else of interest – see http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2015/stargazing-live-leicester


I’ll post payload IDs and frequencies at the weekend.  That will include details of the LoRa stuff, which all being well should bring in rather more image data than the RTTY channels.
Tracking details for my eclipse flight.  There will be 2 Raspberry Pi trackers each sending telemetry and SSDV using both RTTY and LoRa modulation.

Pi #1 (camera with solar film):

MARVIN:  434.300MHz, RTTY, 910Hz shift, USB, 300 baud 8 N 2
ZAPHOD:  434.350kHz, LoRa, Implicit mode, Bandwidth 20.8kHz, Error coding 4:5, SF6

Pi #2 (bare camera):

KRYTEN:  434.400MHz, RTTY, 910Hz shift, USB, 300 baud 8 N 2
RIMMER:  434.450kHz, LoRa, Implicit mode, Bandwidth 20.8kHz, Error coding 4:5, SF6

Sterk: AVA 434.485 MHz (460Hz (varieert met temperatuur) 50bd, 7n2)

Launch time 8am Friday.



I’m adding BUZZ to the party.  434.315MHz 425Hz, 50 baud, 7 N 2.  No, not because Buzz Aldrin is on the show tonight and tomorrow, but because Upu wants an easier job in the chase car :-)




Hi all,

All being well there will be a launch from Cookstown, N.Ireland on the
20th March at about 07:00. The plan is to have it rise high enough
before the time of maximum solar eclipse, and maybe image the lunar
shadow on the horizon. This will have a slow ascent rate and should
hopefully float at about 36km, on a path which takes it south towards
Dublin, before turning east to Wales and on towards Germany.

Callsign: EAGLE
Frequency: 434.250 MHz
Mode: RTTY 300 baud 8N2

The payload consists of a Raspberry Pi A+, camera and a Pi In The Sky
module. It will be sending SSDV images throughout the flight.

(Lijkt niet te werken)

fsphil it did an upu (dragged along the ground a bit)
fsphil ascended a bit, then came down again over a large lake
fsphil hasn’t been seen since




Hi all,

The University of Southampton Spaceflight Society will be launching for the eclipse on Friday, with two SSDV payloads.

The transmitters are as follows (telemetry all 8n2 600 shift):

‘FUSS’ – 434.2125 – (SSDV + no GPS)
‘SSUF’ – 434.150 – (SSDV + GPS) (zie hieronder)

Current predictions are ‘wet,’ but we may try and fill to get it to land in France.

Thanks in advance to all those who will try to listen


There have been some minor changes to the telemetry.

‘MAJORA’ – 434.211MHz, 600bd RTTY, 600Hz Shift, 8n2 – (SSDV + no GPS)
‘OLAF’ – 434.149MHz, 300bd RTTY, 880Hz Shift, 8n2 – (SSDV + GPS)

There may also be a backup tracker on 434.700

We will be launching from Pepperbox Hill near Salisbury, at 7am due to the NOTAM, so it will be sent up slowly, perhaps landing at France.

Stream: www.batc.tv/streams/m0dny

Prediction: http://predict.habhub.org/#!/uuid=eb10ee6e7030c615d2e0f49243add969e42465b0

Project page: http://susf.co.uk/launches/eclipse/

Eclipse summary page: http://ukhas.org.uk/news:balloon_launches

Thanks, Matt



University of Birmingham – GEMINI

(niet gezien, waarschijnlijk geen tracker op HABHUB)

Students from the university of Birmingham are also launching a balloon tomorrow morning. The balloon is called Gemini 1 and is carrying students payloads.

LZ2WIN-11      434.500 MHz





Hello everybody!

We also launch a balloon to the solar eclipse on March 20 at 8:45 CET.
We start in Neuss near Düsseldorf.
The payload contains 4 Canon A810 cameras for filming and a Raspberry pi with pi in the sky shield.

Callsign: DN4GB-11 (STREEK IV)
Frequency: 434.4000 MHz (MOGELIJK NIET ACTIEF, alleen APRS)
Carrier Shift: 910
Baud Rate: 300
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 2

We would appreciate if some antennas would be directed to us.

The Strato-Geeks Team
( http://www.strato-geeks.de )


SEBA-9 @434.730 USB + APRS + Live ATV/FM + live stream from local ATV receiver at:


De vluchten voor Stargazinglive geplot: http://360.g8dhe.net/HAB_Flights/2015_Flights/STARGAZING_20150320/index.php?ind=3


Kijk op mijn “High Altitude Ballooning (HAB): vademecum voor tracken en informatie” voor hulp bij tracken en veel links.

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